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XL VIT Warranty

 English XL Variable Incidence Tribometer


Your English XL VIT is unconditionally warranted to be free of manufacturing defects for a period of one year from date of purchase. If any defect of any kind arises during the first year of ownership, return your English XL VIT shipping prepaid to:

237 Hanbury Rd East
Suite 17, PMB 254
Chesapeake, VA 23322

Any warranty repairs will be made and your slipmeter will be returned to you prepaid by ground shipment. Normally, service turnaround is two business days.  On occasion, we may be out of the office for a few days.  If you have a time constraint on the service turnaround, please call ahead.  For overnight return shipping, call for rates.  If you are outside the United States special shipping and customs arrangements must be made.

Modifying or altering your English XL VIT in any way will void your warranty as well as the listed charges for calibration, repair, and refurbishment charge.  The consequences of unauthorized service or modification of your English XL VIT will generally be catastrophic and result in a restoration charge of at least $600.00.   Your tribometer will not be returned until all charges are paid.


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